Also, the things they don’t say are key to figuring out how to tell if someone is gay. It is the company they keep and the little clues they give if you’re open to hearing them. It isn’t just about their mannerisms or the way they talk. There are many things that I recognize set straight people apart from gay. Since my brain isn’t wired that way, the thought never really dawned on me. There have been many instances in my life where someone suggested that my close friends were hitting on me, but I refused to see it. How to tell if someone is gay – 10 subtle hints to clue you in When it comes to homosexuality, I have no idea who anyone bats for, or maybe I don’t really give it much thought, unless I was into someone and trying to figure out if I had a chance. There was a thing in my day called “gaydar.” It was a special ability that some people had for how to tell if someone is gay.
Although only clues, here are 10 ways for how to tell if someone is gay. You can’t just ask someone, who hasn’t offered, whether they are gay or not.